Become a Techie: the series of comics from the GreenH2Atlantic project to raise awareness of the interest of green hydrogen!

Hydrogen is a subject that has been on the rise in recent years. R&D projects are flourishing around this theme. But then, why such enthusiasm? Through a series of 5 comics, the GreenH2Atlantic project explains the advantages of hydrogen for the future.

Publié le 27/04/2023 à 09:52

The colors of hydrogen


A distinction is made between "grey hydrogen", "blue hydrogen" and "green hydrogen" depending on how it is produced.

Grey hydrogen or carbonated hydrogen is produced from natural gas. Grey hydrogen is not a clean energy source as it emits a lot of CO2 during its production.
Blue hydrogen or low carbon : is also extracted from natural gas. But the way it is produced makes it less polluting than grey hydrogen.Thanks to the carbon cabe either used in industrial processes or stored underground using carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)
Green hydrogen or renewable hydrogen is produced through the electrolysis of water. An environmentally friendly process, electrolysis breaks down water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) through the use of electrolyzers. If the electricity that powers the electrolysers comes from renewable energy sources (wind, solar or hydroelectric), the hydrogen will be called green.

The amount of green hydrogen produced in the world is booming, with the challenge of developing the decarbonised sector.

That is the objectives of the greenH2Atlantic project. 


GreenH2Atlantic in the production of H2 in Europe




The first cartoon described why green hydrogen is such a good energy and the importance of optimizing its production. 

Europe has ambitions towards the production of green hydrogen: the ambition is to produce 10 million tonnes and import 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen in the EU by 2030.

The population on earth is increasing and we need everyday more energy for our commodities but we need to stop using fossil energy and concentrate our efforts on renewable energies such as green hydrogen. 

‍The GreenH2Atlantic project is focusing on enabling the transition of a former coal-fired power plant into an innovative renewable hydrogen production hub, in alignment with Europe’s decarbonization and energy transition strategies.

‍The creation of hydrogen valleys across Europe will allow the production of renewable energy at a larger scale. Other benefits are the creation of job and contribute to the development of future industries. 

‍Hydrogen valley is a keyword in the new Euope's strategy. Hydrogen valley represents a geographical area where several hydrogen applications are combined together into an integrated hydrogen ecosystem.


GreenH2Atlantic contributes to the massification of green H2 thanks to its renewables sources


This third cartoon will allow you to learn more about the GreenH2Atlantic project. First of all, we will focus on its energy sources. 

‍The GreenH2Atlantic project aims to create an hydrogen valley.

GreenH2Atlantic will enable the transition of a former coal-fired power plant into an innovative renewable hydrogen production hub, in alignment with Europe’s decarbonization and energy transition strategies.

Here are some objectives of the project:

  • Demonstrate the lowest possible green H2 production cost by operating the 100 MW ALK electrolyser smartly and efficiently integrated with solar and wind energy.
  • Refurbishment of the Sines Coal-Fired Power Plant into a Flexible Green H2 Power Plant.
  • Take advantage of existing infrastructures of a decommissioned Coal Fired Power Plant.


The lowest possible greenhH2 production cost thanks to the 100MW electrolyser


The 100MW electrolyser will be composed of innovative, scalable and fast-cycling 16 MW modules to overcome bottlenecks such as efficiency, size, lifetime and flexibility. This will allow to optimize the production of green H2 at the lowest cost possible.

Other innovative features include an interface system composed of an Advanced Management System to ensure a reliable supply of H2 to the off-takers and enable project’s coupling to a local hybrid renewable power plants (solar and wind).

One objective of the GreenH2Atlantic project is to demonstrate the lowest possible green H2 production cost by operating the 100 MW ALK electrolyser smartly and efficiently integrated with solar and wind energy.


The purposes of Green H2 production



Once the green hydrogen is produced, we use it two different ways in the GreenH2 Atlantic projetc:

  • The first one is to introduce it into the gas grid to be distributed arround Europe.
  • The second one is to store the green hydrogen which will be transported to different locations (refineries, power plant, ...) to substitute other energies for production. 


These comics were produced by the AXELERA cluster as part of its participation in the "Communication / Dissemination" workpackage of the GreenH2Atlantic project.