Du mardi 14 janvier 2025 à 09:00 au mercredi 15 janvier 2025 à 17:00
Bel Air Camp Business, 44 Avenue Paul Kruger,,
69100 Villeurbanne, France
CCUS ZEN european project is organizing its final event in Lyon, France. Project is exploring the potential for accelerating deployment of CCUS in two regions with lower maturity level for CCUS compared to the current development in the North Sea region:
The Baltic Sea region covering Denmark including its inland waters and the easternmost North Sea, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the Baltic Sea.
The Mediterranean Sea region covering France, Italy, Turkey, the Mediterranean Sea and selected onshore storage locations in Greece and Spain.
Preliminary agenda (updated 19 December 2024)
Agenda Day 1 9:30-16:30 (coffee from 9:00)
Kl. 09:30-09:50 Welcome and opening, project introduction and status, Eirik da Silva (SINTEF)
KL 09:50-10:10 Welcome from the host, Frédéric Laroche & Laurianne Bouvier (AXELERA)
Kl 10:10-10:30 DECarboner LYon vallée de la Chimie (DECLYC), Mélanie Gomes Almendros (AXELERA)
Kl 10:35-10:55 Vision for CCS, PIICTO Marseille Fos, Cécile Henry (PIICTO)
Coffee break
Kl 11:25-11:45 WP1 -Mapping of technical aspects of CCUS, Ane Lothe (SINTEF)
Kl 1145-12.05 WP2 -Mapping of non-technical aspects, Matthias Poralla (Perspectives Climate Research)
Kl 12:05-12:30 WP3 -CCUS Value Chains, Alla Shogenova (TallTech)
Kl 12:30-13:00 WP3 -Identifications of potential PCI, Leandro-Henrique Sousa (Rambøll)
Kl 14:00-14:30 WP4 Business model development: Mediterranean Sea case, Audrey Lopez, Genesis
Kl 14:30-15:00 WP4 Business model development: Baltic Sea case, Leandro-Henrique Sousa, Ramboll
World café: What shall be the recommendations from the CCUS ZEN project?
KL 1600-1630 WP5 Dissemination and outreach, Romain Viguier (SCCS)
Cocktails and dinner at Radisson Blu Lyon, 129 Rue Servient, Lyon
Agenda Day 2 9:30-14:00 (coffee from 9:00)
Pour plus d'informations