Informations pratiques

Workforce :





The Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnologies of Aix-Marseille (BIAM) is interested in the responses of living organisms to environmental constraints, as well as in the mechanisms of conversion of solar energy and atmospheric CO2 into energy-rich biomass. It develops biotechnologies aimed at preserving the quality of the environment and health or at producing biofuels.

Produits, technologies & services

The research themes of the laboratory:
- “bioenergies”, i.e. the forms of energy stored in biomass.
Research focuses in particular on the biological mechanisms of conversion of atmospheric CO2 in sunlight into small organic molecules (photosynthesis), and on the ways in which these molecules are transformed into energy-rich molecules (lipids, starch, biohydrocarbons).
- the "response and adaptation of living organisms to environmental constraints" to understand and exploit these mechanisms in order to develop strategies for depolluting contaminated soil and water.
Plants and bacteria can thus be specialized in the conversion or storage of pollutants in their organism. This is the principle of bioremediation.

Notre localisation

Address :

13150 Tarascon